Sustainability and Impact Leadership
Our Approach to Sustainability and Impact
Since 2013, we have embedded purpose into our corporate vision: Every investment improves our climate future. Integrating this purpose into our business model allows us to quantify both downside exposure and upside opportunities – all in support of delivering meaningful long-term value and impact.
Our thoughtful and rigorous approach to Sustainability and Impact embraces the concept of double materiality, focusing on both issues most material to our business and those externalities our business most impacts.
Impact Metrics
>7 million
Cumulative metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) avoided annually through our investments, the equivalent to eliminating emissions from over 1.6 million passenger vehicles
~7 billion
Cumulative gallons of water saved annually from our investments, the equivalent to eliminating the annual water consumption of over 138,000 U.S. homes every year
Quality jobs created by our investments across the U.S
School children supported by our energy efficiency upgrades to educational facilities and bus fleets funded by our investments
~2 Million
Veterans served by hospitals and other facilities that received energy efficiency upgrades funded by our investments
Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the biggest and most complex challenges of our time. At HASI, we prioritize the 10 SDGs that are most relevant to our expertise, business objectives and corporate citizenship goals.

2023 Sustainability & Impact Highlights
~$2.3 billion
invested in climate
Disclosed Net Zero target
for Scope 3 Financed
as A List by CDP for
second consecutive year
767k MT1 of incremental
annual reductions in
carbon emissions
Adopted ISSB Sustainability
Disclosure Guidelines
Reported 100% eligibility
and alignment with EU
Social Dividend declared to
support HASI Foundation
Established multiple Business
Resource Groups
Submitted formal comments
endorsing “Emissions Matching”
for GHG Protocol Scope 2 update
1) Metric Tons
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Anti-Racism (DEIJA)
Mission Statement
HASI’s recognition of the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and anti-racism are essential to the success of our business. Our company is more than just the sum of individual roles, skills, and productivities. We are also a team that values the mutually reinforcing empowerment of people of all races, culture, identities, gender expressions, sexual orientations and learning and engagement styles. By opening ourselves to the broadest range of talent, we improve both our company performance and our ability to attract and retain talent. We know it is inherently the right way to conduct business.
Strategic Implementation
Our comprehensive, values-driven approach to DEIJA comprises initiatives that go beyond legal compliance and seek to foster an innovative, creative culture where every member of our team can bring their best and most authentic selves to work.
We incorporate our efforts throughout all levels of our organization by:
- Management trainings, which — informed by our internal DEIJA Working Group – include, but are not limited to, a focus on multicultural leadership, understanding bias and anti-racism;
- Supporting consistent conversations within our team (often facilitated by outside experts) to better learn from and understand our different respective experiences and perspectives;
- Actively expanding the sourcing of our candidate pool to increase the breadth of its diversity;
- Engaging our business partners to foster alignment around DEIJA values and practices;
- Tracking, analyzing and furthering employee pay equity;
- Ensuring our philanthropic efforts consider all views on how to address the intersection of climate and equity;Regularly reviewing existing company policies and practices to make updates where and as needed to align our actions with our values; and
- Consistently engaging on a corporate level in the protection of voting rights to support a vibrant democracy.
Sustainability and Impact Governance
We recognize the importance of incorporating, evaluating and monitoring Sustainability- and Impact-related opportunities and risks as integral components of our overarching vision and strategy. HASI’s Board is charged with officially adopting our Sustainability and Impact policies and monitoring Sustainability and Impact risks and opportunities. The Nominating, Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee (NGCR) assumes a pivotal role in consistently reviewing our strategies, activities, policies and ensuing disclosures on a quarterly basis. This comprehensive review encompasses key documents such as our Sustainability Investment Policy, Environmental Policies, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Human Rights Statement and Human Capital Management Policies. Through this robust Sustainability and Impact governance structure, we affirm our steadfast commitment to remaining aligned with our Sustainability and Impact objectives.
HASI Board of Directors
Nominating, Governance, and Corporate Responsibility Committee
President and CEO
Sustainability & Impact Leadership Team
HASI Foundation
Leadership Team – Sustainability & Impact Reporting
Committee – Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, Justice and
Anti-Racism (DEIJA) Working Group
Transformative Giving
The HASI Foundation was created to add a long-term strategic lens to our maturing corporate philanthropy efforts targeted at the intersection of climate action and social justice. This effort flowed from an organic expression of shared values that fits naturally within our culture of fierce curiosity and rigor about outcomes in climate investing.
The foundation is funded by annual Social Dividends declared by HASI and the proceeds from an internal price on carbon assessed against HASI’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (net of the avoided emissions resulting from investments). HASI has contributed more than $6.5 million to the Foundation since its inception.
HASI Foundation Vision
We seek to accelerate a just transition toward an equitable, inclusive and climate positive future.
Focus Areas
Climate Solutions for Disadvantaged Communities
Support for organizations providing direct access to affordable energy efficiency, renewable energy and health-enhancing products and services to low-to-moderate income households and disadvantaged communities
Climate Solutions
Career Pathways
Support for programs targeted at historically underrepresented communities and communities impacted by climate change and/or the energy transition that provide education on climate change impacts and training for careers in climate solutions
Support for organizations across the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia region that strengthen the social fabric and promote economic and climate resilience
Policies & Disclosures
HASI’s sustainability policies, principles, and reporting disclosures aspire to the highest ethical standards. For additional information, navigate to the linked documents.
Policies & Disclosures
HASI’s sustainability policies, principles, and reporting disclosures aspire to the highest ethical standards. For additional information, navigate to the linked documents.